As we all adjust to our current living conditions, many have and some are finding their homes to be a creative and a safe haven so we ask several photographers and creatives to share what their homes look like and how they are adapting to this way of living.
Mariah Hagenbach
Let’s begin by talking about your first introduction to cannabis and what led you to fall in love with the plant?
I was first introduced to cannabis at an early age, and like many of us, I believed it to be bad. I’d watched the anti-marijuana commercials as a child that depicts cannabis as a drug that will make you lazy, boring, and eat too much. When I moved out of the house I started dabbling in cannabis as a sleep aid which is when I realized how beneficial the plant could be and where my love for cannabis began.

Why do you use cannabis now?
I’ve been using cannabis for over ten years now, and while I still use it as a sleep aid, I also smoke to relieve stress & anxiety, boost my appetite, and calm my mind.
What are your favorite strains and why?
I love citrusy salivas for a happy high during the day and tend to go for the very purple kush strains in the evening or on days I don’t have a lot going on.
What are your favorite products at the moment?
I loooove cannabis infused bath bombs. My favorite ones right now are from Cannabombz.

What do you do for a living?
I am a cannabis + lifestyle photographer.
What do you love about your job?
I love everything about my job but what I value above anything else is the freedom it allows me. I make my own schedule, I can work from home, and I get paid to be creative and work with weed.
In your experience, what have been some challenges you faced in your position?
The biggest challenge I’ve found as a full time creative is acquiring long-term clients. A lot of companies, especially in the cannabis industry, don’t have a lot of money put aside for marketing so finding clients willing to pay my asking price, let alone work with me on a long-term basis has been a struggle.

Currently, we’re facing the global pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19, which has definitely affected the cannabis industry. Has this affected you and what do you think will happen to the industry for the foreseeable future?
COVID-19 has definitely affected me in many ways. I’m thankful that my main client has continued working with me throughout this time but I haven’t been able to take on any new clients in about a month. Luckily, we’ve deemed cannabis as essential so I believe the cannabis industry as a whole will thrive if they make the changes needed to safely operate.
What state are you in and how are things currently as a result to COVID-19?
Oregon has been on lockdown since the end of March. All restaurants, bars, shopping centers, salons, and other non-essential businesses are only open for delivery or curbside pick up, all national parks and trailheads have been closed, and people are advised to stay home unless you’re going to work, getting food, or getting exercise.

What are some things you are doing to stay productive while we’re in quarantine?
I’ve completely rearranged and organized my house, revamped my website, constructed a make-shift garage studio for portraits, and I’ve been gathering inspiration for when this is all over and I’m able to photograph humans again.
If there was one strain or product left on earth for you to try, what would it be?
This is so hard as there are so so many strains I haven’t tried. I’d definitely stick flower that is indica dominant though!