Neatleaf Spyder
Neatleaf Spyder

Biotech Company Verne Bio Teams Up With Neatleaf Using AI Data to Enhance Pathogens and Genetics Testing

Verne Bio is a revolutionary biotech company specializing in the fastest, most accurate and scalable genetic and pathogen testing for the cannabis market. They have partnered with Santa Cruz-based Artificial Intelligence outfit Neatleaf™, to further enhance the accuracy of their testing with the use of 24/7, real-time data captured by the Neatleaf Spyder system. The symbiotic partnership between the two companies began in July 2024.

The common goal is risk mitigation to cultivators in their growing processes through genetic and pathogen testing, remediating or eliminating those risks through genetic crop steering and in turn, increasing productivity and operators’ bottom lines. 

Neatleaf’s autonomous robotic platform, the Spyder system, provides precise data and analytics correlating plant stress with pathogens to assist Verne Bio in better understanding the symptoms and impact of different root causes of plant stress such as pests, bacteria, fungi, viruses and nutrient deficiencies. 

“I couldn’t ask for a better partnership than this one with Verne Bio. Their CEO, Nathan Johnson and his team have such an aligned vision to ours in terms of helping cultivators big and small use the power of accurate data and precise testing to elevate their operations,“ said Neatleaf CEO Elmar Mair.

For its part, Verne Bio is leading the charge when it comes to genetic and pathogen testing. With over 20,000 diagnostics conducted in eight countries, small and large operators and manufacturers alike use high quality i-test and WE-test kits, making the process efficient and scalable, with others opting to submit plant material for testing. 

CEO Nathan Johnson said of this collaboration, “Neatleaf is exactly who we need as a partner because of our shared mission in the adoption of technology to advance and improve the grow process for the cannabis industry.”

With recent exposés about high levels of pesticides being found in products at some California dispensaries, the need for pathogen testing is all the more important as cannabis and hemp operators look to minimize crop risk, increase productivity and output while cutting costs but not corners. Verne Bio sees room for their partnership with Neatleaf to expand into the future.