A Look at Life after Marijuana Legalization in Colorado
Legalization has ushered in thousands of new jobs in the burgeoning industry, brought $135 million into state coffers last year, and ended the prohibition of a widely used substance.
Legalization has ushered in thousands of new jobs in the burgeoning industry, brought $135 million into state coffers last year, and ended the prohibition of a widely used substance.
With the illegal status of cannabis keeping federal agencies from performing their normal duties, states where residents are allowed to use cannabis have had to step in to do the best they can to ensure the basic safety of the crop.
It's a new year and there's a lot to look forward to in 2016, regarding general life and cannabis culture. With the presidential election looming, there is guaranteed to be a massive voter turnout and the initiatives that are poised for inclusion on the 2016 ballot stand a chance to make some big changes. But which states are most likely to legalize next? Here are our predictions for 2016
Alaska is about to become the first state to have cannabis cafes where people can buy and consume marijuana, similar to Amsterdam.
Our first focus in MARY is to EDUCATE and as you know that the industrial properties of the cannabis plant are widely misunderstood. In an effort to help set the record straight, here is a breakdown of the top 10 misconceptions we hear about hemp.
Mexico is set to hold a series of debates about cannabis legalization. The first debate is scheduled for January 25, with the last one wrapping up on February 17.