As the concentrate market continues to expand with more desireable strains and flavors, we see a continue evolution of vaporizers to make our experiences more enjoyable. Shatterizer inc. introduces their revolutionary portable and desktop cannabis extracts vaporizer, the BUBBLER by Shatterizer. “We are thrilled to launch this all-inclusive, high-end kit with our water feature attachment, new battery and accessories. It’s going to blow away expectations, with the highest-level cannabis extracts experience yet,” says Shatterizer co-founder, Matt Zysman.
In 2021, Shatterizer aims to surpass expectations with their newest product, the BUBBLER by Shatterizer. Some of the revolutionary features include:
- Highly enjoyable and easy to use Self-regulating water borosilicate glass feature attachment
- Larger and more powerful battery with variable voltage with bright “up lighting” feature
- Quartz Triple Coil (QTC) and cap is compatible with all Shatterizer™ Vaporizers and offers triple vaporization, replacement 5 packs are also now available
- Protective travel case and vaporizer base, for everywhere portability and desktop use
The original award winning Shatterizer launched in 2017 and an aluminum version in 2018, which received accolades for being one of the highest quality and most affordable portable dabbing devices. Nominated by the cannabis community for “Best Brand” and “Best Vaporizer” at the 2019 O’Cannabiz Industry Awards Show, the company is continuing their momentum in cannabis extract innovation. This hybrid device is easy to use, fill, clean and travel with – simply scratch and scan the QR code and enjoy ‘how to’ videos.
“We are thrilled to be in a state of continuous evolution, staying on top of leading-edge extract technology and products. We believe in delivering market disrupting products, and we personally love the BUBBLER by Shatterizer, expect even more #PerfectClouds in 2021!” adds co-founder Valerie McCulloch.
Shatterizer has a clear mission: satisfying the cannabis concentrate and extract communities and growing with them. Since its start, the company has experienced unprecedented sales growth and unparalleled industry recognition, especially with the recent introduction of Shatterizer Extracts. Shatterizer’s Extracts current line up of products 8 Ball Kush Shatter, Gorilla Blueberry OG LIVE Wax and MK Ultra Shatter is expanding across the country with more high potency and high-quality consumable products currently in development.