Submission steps: (Note: We prefer receiving themed pitches for the magazines via our email address, Please email this address to receive a theme guide.)

As a general policy, we cannot guarantee placement based on your abstract, and we approve submissions contingent upon space allowance. We currently have minimal editorial space for unsolicited pieces, but please know that we look at all submitted works daily—and we love getting new contributors involved.

Please keep in mind that content decisions are made roughly 3–5 months ahead of the publication dates, so please time your pitches accordingly. We also only include original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere, including websites and blogs.

First, write a short bio describing yourself, your writing, photography, illustrations and film style and why you wish to freelance for MARY. Also please let us know if you have been previously published and, if so, where. It is important for us to get a in-depth feel for your work and how it will relate to MARY.

If you are submitting photography, illustrations or film that has already been completed, it must have not been published elsewhere previously (including online).

If you have multiple ideas, please submit them in one submission.

Writing Submissions

Submit your story ideas: this should include a 200 word abstract, any relevant website links and, if applicable, supporting sample photographs. Please do not send full articles: if we like your idea, we’ll commission it then.

Photography Submissions

Submit your photo essay/story ideas: this should include a 200 word abstract, any relevant website links and supporting sample photographs. Please do not shoot and submit new photo essays ahead of time: if we like your idea, we’ll commission it then.

Illustrations Submissions

Submit your illustration/art ideas: this should include a 200 word abstract, any relevant website links and supporting sample images. If you already have produced the work, please attach it along with a description of how it could be used/accompanying story ideas.

Film Submissions

Submit your video/film ideas: this should include a 200 word abstract, any relevant website links and supporting sample images. If you already have produced the work, please link to it along with a description of how it could be used/accompanying story ideas.

Lastly, please either provide a link to your previous work, attach samples as a .doc or pdf. We will be in contact within a month via email if your pitch has been successful.

Thank you! We can’t wait to read your ideas.